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Shrimp bag

Shrimp bag

  • Category:Food packing bag
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  • Release time:2022-07-27 15:26:41
  • Product description

Shrimp bag

Customized eight-sided shrimp packaging bag can stand firm, conducive to shelf display, deeply attract consumers' attention; Generally in dried fruits, nuts, cute pets, snack food and many other areas,

Eight-sided shrimp packing bag adopts flexible packaging composite process, the material is varied, according to the material thickness, water oxygen barrier, metal effect and even printing effect, the advantages are absolutely greater than that of a single box;

The eight-sided shrimp packaging package has eight printing layouts that fully describe the product or language of the product's sale, and the worldwide sale of the product is promoted for use. Product information display is more complete. Better enable customers to understand your products.

Anise shrimp packaging bag printing technology design strength, bag can help customers choose product design scheme, help customers to improve product quality, save costs, optimize customer benefits,

Eight-sided shrimp packaged zipper bags come with reusable zippers that consumers can re-open and close, and boxes can't compete; Bag appearance is unique, anti-counterfeiting, easy for consumers to identify, conducive to brand establishment; Can be multi-color printing, the product appearance is exquisite, with strong publicity and promotion effect

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